RETCL Delivers Spray Dryer and Cabinet Dryer to Customer for Boron Material Production

RETCL has successfully delivered a spray dryer and cabinet dryer to our customer, Boronten Technology, for the production of boron materials. The equipment was designed and manufactured according to the customer’s specific requirements. RETCL’s team of engineers and technicians ensured that the equipment met the highest quality standards and was delivered on time.

Boronten Technology was established in November 2007, focuses on the research, development, production and sales of stable chemical isotopes. Boronten is very satisfied with the equipment and has already started production with our newly delivered equipment. RETCL is proud to have contributed to the customer’s success and looks forward to continuing to provide quality products and services. The successful delivery of the spray dryer and cabinet dryer is a testament to RETCL’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. RETCL will continue to strive to meet the needs of its customers and exceed their expectations.

Media Contact:

ايفي تانغ

RETCL Process

+86 19105155639

ايفي تانغ

طائرة ورقية خضراء ثلاثية الأبعاد، مصممة بطيات معقدة وتصميم ديناميكي هوائي حاد معزول على خلفية بيضاء.
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حبيبات زيت النخيل الحبيبية

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