해머 밀
다용도 분쇄 기술:
다목적 분쇄 기술을 갖춘 해머 밀은 다양한 산업 분야에서 활용되고 있습니다. 맞춤형 블레이드, 수집 시스템, 냉각 메커니즘 및 먼지 제거 시스템을 갖춘 적응형 설계로 다양한 재료를 가공하는 데 적합합니다.
입력: 부서지기 쉬운 고체(15mm 미만)
출력: 50~150 메시
Hammer Mill: Versatile Powerhouse in Size Reduction Technology
The Hammer Mill is a tool, in size reduction technology offering versatility and high performance. It simplifies processes by reducing materials to fine particles improving operational efficiency in different industrial settings.
- The Pulverizer reduces material size for processing.
- Offering advanced versatility to meet a variety of needs with a universal grinder.
- Optimized for heat-sensitive substances and can protect their essence.
- It can preserve their essence using cutting edge technology to reduce electricity consumption.
- Its adjustable settings allow for the production of particle sizes.
Food additives ground by a universal grinder can keep food flavor and nutrition intact.
The Herbal Pulverizer makes the fertilizer material uniform, which can improve efficiency and soil absorption.
For environmental utilization, it helps to recycle waste plastic and supports sustainable resource utilization.
동물 사료
The machine ensures that the grains are finely ground for better nutrition and digestibility.